Design Objective: Design branding for a fake sports team. Find a city that doesn’t have a major sport of some kind and come up with a sport and team name for that city. Design a primary logo, secondary logo, wayfinding, and an environmental graphic. Create a design proposal for all the sports branding. Create two mockups of the branding.
Design Brief: The sport chosen is hockey for Alaska, as they do not currently have an NHL team. This team is called the Majors based on the flag of Alaska, as on the flag is the Big Dipper constellation, which of course features Ursa Major. Ursa Major in mythology was a bear, which is where the mascot comes from as well as because bears are very common in the area. The colors chosen were also chosen based on the Alaskan flag, which consists of a dark blue and a yellow, with a lighter blue added to this color scheme to make a midtone for the palette. The stars on the logos are there to also represent the constellation that the idea came from. The typefaces are Trump Town Pro Regular and Raleway Medium because they fit well for a sports logo. The wayfinding chosen are bathroom signs, arena section signs, parking section signs, arena seating row signs, and an elevator decal. All of these feature some aspect of the branding, with either elements of the logos or just the typeface and colors. The environmental graphic is a mural that would be painted on a wall in the hockey arena. The mural features an adult and child bear walking through the Alaskan wilderness as the Aurora Borealis shines above them. The first mockup is of the Majors logo on hockey pucks, and the second mockup is of the uniform for the Majors.
Style Guide


Wayfinding and Environmental Graphic Blueprints

Wayfinding and Environmental Graphic Mockups

Design Proposal